flash coffee 2/4 :
how to handle 200++ order cancellation request

product designresearch2021

Flash Coffee

2 weeks


we got 200+ customer cancellation requests (in Feb-March across regions) who contacted customer support to cancel an incorrect order placed.

This is especially costly to us if an order has been received and our baristas are in the process of making the drinks. The customer wanted to cancel order, complain and drop negative feedback to customer service.

Due to the collected data in all markets, the reason for order cancellation mostly came from…
1. Selecting the wrong pickup store
2. Selecting the wrong order mode (Pickup/Delivery)

  • Help to reduce order cancellation rate due to wrong selection of pick up/delivery
  • Reduce drop-offs on the order confirmation page
  • Reduce the cost/time incurred on CX to intervene
  • Increase customer satisfaction for app users who ordered wrongly
  • Gather reasons for cancellation to manage future churn 


  • Preselected method (Pick-up) easily missed by user
    Every user lands on the pick-up mode by default, there are many instances where the customers placed a pick-up order unintentionally.

    The worst case scenario this will resulted in post-order cancellation for the user that wanted delivery instead, some will only realised the mistake when arriving to the store for collection.  This is especially costly to us if an order has been received and our baristas are in the process of making the drinks before they get notified of the cancellation.

  • The existing order confirmation modal cannot function effectively. 
    After user places an order, an additional tap is required to continue. Unfortunately, it can not help user recheck the order information efficiently and this leads the post-order cancellation.

    Alot of times, user select the confirmation button without actually reading through the information by a habit/muscle memory action because the CTA placement on the screen could potentially lead to people automatically tapping.

As-is delivery order confirmation modal 

As-is pickup order confirmation modal 

  • It’s a hassle for users to cancel a placed order.
    After placing an order, there is no way for customer to cancel orders directly through the app. The only way for post-order cancellation is to contact customer support via the in-app chat function and CS will cancel the order manually. This can take up to an hour for the order to be cancelled.

    Due to the limited operation time, if customers want to cancel an order after CS working hours, they are unable to chat or request an order cancellation. This leads to complaint and drop negative feedback to customer service and baristas. Moreover, the information on the help page is vague, the user might struggle on this page.

After discussing with the team about problem finding, revamping the order mode selection would be the major change and using many efforts to make things done properly. It would take longer time to develop and not align with business KPI to solve the order cancellation problem. So we agreed on going with simple but high-impact solution first which are…

  1. Improve order confirmation modal design
    To be the efficient last stop to recheck order details and prevent the mistake of selecting wrong pick-up store/wrong order mode.

  2. Create an in-app order cancellation feature
    To reduce the hassle of canceling orders on the customer side and reducing time consumption on the manual process of the cs side.

  3. Make order refund information visible to the customer
    To help customers who are eager with attaining their refunds back sooner and contacting CS for the latest update on the refunds when the order is cancelled or rejected.

The sole intention of having the modal is actually as a last-ditch effort for user to understand if they’re making the right decision throughout the journey.

Design Concept
  • The order will be automatically placed and continue if user does not select the cancel CTA, thus it needs to be clear for the user to understand

    • The order type indicator needs to be clear to users, allowing them to see how the store looks like and understand the contextual area.

    The only thing that we are not confident from this design improvement is if user pressed cancel order button by memory muscle and instinct, will they continue replace an order?

    This assumption we agreed on rolling out the A/B testing,  tracking the data of the customer’s action journey, and seeing the impact/result

    The main focus of creating order cancellation flow is to help customers have a good experience even if they want to cancel the order with us.

    I began by gathering cancellation reasons from CS team across all the countries, understanding as-is user flow of how the cancellation being made and when, and discussed the possible logic with engineering team.

    Design Concept
    • Extend the time for user to ensure their selected order details before making the decision.

    • Don’t add any additional steps to the user that have no intent to cancel the order.

    • Prevent confusion regarding when is the right time for an order to be sent to the barista hub for the barista to accept the order that would lead to low effect from order cancellation.

    Since we agreed on using countdown time to automate the action trigger so we add another 10 sec. cooling off period that allows customers to cancel an order before the order is sent to the barista. Once barista accepts the order the cancellation button will disappear.

    We can help users from preventing placing the wrong orders unintentionally but post-order cancellation can happen anytime if the user intends to. So if we make it very hard for users to cancel, this will affect the bad experience, leaving negative feedback and also increase costs in other ways such as operating costs.

    However, we decided to keep the Get Help button if the user passed the cancellation stage and make it clearer for customers to find if needed.

    Previously, users did not know whether we had processed their refund without having to contact a CS counterpart in Flash. If we automated post-order cancellation through the app, the refund information should be consistent with the relevant order that has also attained a refund.

    We found that the number of customers who contact CS regarding refunds in all markets approximately ~200 per month or ~2,400 per year. We hope that this will help customers that are very eager with attaining their refunds back sooner or ask for the latest update on the refunds.

    Design Concept
    • Reduce manual steps of order refund process.

    • Make it clear to customer about the refund information and the expected date for the money to arrive without contacting CS.

    We proposed to add another refund status to the list of statuses that we show to users. This “refund” status would let the users know that Flash has done the refund processing, but it will be up to the user’s bank/e-wallet on returning the money back to the user's original account.


    order confirmation

    order cancellation

    Before barista accept order

    After barista accept order

    order refund

    order refund

    • That allows us to track the journey based on user action to understand the reason for cancellation and dropoff.

    • That information will give us an indication of whether people drop off because of the wrong order placed or their unavoidable intention.

    • Which in turn will allow us to experiment better.

    How to measure the success
    • 50% reduction in CS tickets related to order cancellation
    • If there is a large number of user who click to skip, but complain to CS anyway
    • Increase in App ratings post the cancellation and refund workflow implementation
    • 30% reduction in CS tickets related to refund processing inquiries

    Data tracking
    1. A/B testing in the market with the most number of post-order queries to CS (SG, TH). Open to 50% → 75% → 100%
    2. Track the respective event of actions after users placed an order
    3. Track Cancel button event on Order confirmation page
    4. Track Cancel button on Order details page (post order creation)

    The success
    After the A-B testing and fully public launch, having this 5-second modal has been largely successful as we reduced the monthly CS tickets related to this by at least 70% while keeping our conversion rate healthy which means a big cancel button has no negative impact hence we roll it out, and customer seldom contact cs regarding the refunds.

    In addition, order that was canceled on order confirmation modal, users tend to reorder again.