01/06 : understanding our user 

product designresearch

User Research
User Flow
User Interview
User persona


3 weeks

NocNoc Service Installer Portal exists but is incomplete. There are a lot of apparent problems in the system operation. However, it had never reached the priority to fix it from the foundation. Commonly those problems were temporarily solved by Customer Service and Admin's manual operation.

the goal of this project is to identify early adopter persona and any usability issues in order to understand and determine the critical features to prioritize for the next iteration of the product.

I conduct 2 times interviews for understanding our user’s insight...

The first time was for getting to know installers out there in the market about their actual work process, long-term and short-term life goals, needs, problems, and pains. I chose the Facebook platform for the first stop. The team and I have the assumption in mind that the installers might have other non-monetary motivations to find.

In addition to creating the user journey related to the interview result, I started grouping the installer's pain points and set up themes in order to prioritize and address the highest impact issue for both user and business, not to mention the alternative possible solution.

I and the team used the How Might We method to set up the initial questions and then conducted an ideation workshop on the most impact issue that we addressed in order to brainstorm ideas and find NocNoc opportunities by using 6-up, 1-up tools.

👉🏿 To make a perfect matching system between buyer and Installer, How might we make various installers in our platform have high visibility and match with the customer in order to meet the needs of both parties, increasing the chance of having Happy Jobs with us.

👉🏿 To make sure that installer and buyer are on the same page, How might we make installer and buyer have an equal understanding about how necessary site preparation is in order to make sure with the installer that the job site is ready when they arrived.

Unfortunately, the business plan was changed, focusing on fixing the current pains of the active installer is the most important to maintain their trust, therefore our study was stopped. On the other hand, we start studying the as-is system mechanism and the active installer's insight.

I created a user journey based on the actual workflow to understand every single step that our NocNoc active-installer encounters while working.

I and my team also gathered insight and pain point perspectives from the internal admin and operation team who work closest with installers.

The second time interview was begun, I narrowed it down to focus on our active installers on NocNoc platform in order to compare and combine with the outside installers. Moreover, I used the affinity mapping method to analyze all mixed data information.

After I defined the theme of all problems and pain points, I and my team had the same visibility into the key areas of the platform that needed to be addressed from a usability standpoint. Therefore, the first epic we prioritized would be the complex chat function.

For installer needs and goals, we discovered that money is still the main and significant factor for all installers both inside and outside NocNoc platform. However, there are many minor factors which important to further classify our target user persona.

According to the gathered data, we could define users into 3 segments consist Unicorn persona, Primary persona, Secondary persona, most notably on their digital literacy limitation.

To create installer content  style guides:

What: Creating a content style guide will help to keep the voice, tone, and messaging consistent across all platform
Will agree during the session
On website, installer app 2.0 and other marketing messages
To maximize our engagement with our Installers persona. To navigate and reduce friction and ambiguity
Product manager, Product designer, UX Designer, UX writer
Our defined user personal mission

Assumption 1:
We can increase engagement to let installers do what don't want to through engaging design and content.
Assumptions 2:
We can use terminology in the app to match what installers are using. For example, what words do they commonly use to call their business?